Andrew + Laura | married

When I first met Andrew and Laura and they shared the vision for their wedding, I immediately wanted to be a part of it. The unique venue, the focus on simplicity and gathering their treasured loved ones to celebrate together with them, and their shared excitement to just be MARRIED - it all resonated so much with me and reminded me of my hopes for my own wedding day five years ago.

It was one of the first days of fall that actually felt like fall - the air was crisp and it was cold enough to make you want to hold a warm cup of coffee in your hands. When we arrived, many of Andrew and Laura's family and friends were there and helping with set up, makeup, and sharing in the excitement and anticipation. As soon as Laura was ready and in her dress, we made our way to their new apartment for a first look with Andrew. It was awesome. 

They began their ceremony with a time of worship that was beautiful and moving and it was the first of many times that tears filled my eyes throughout the day. I wish I could explain the day, but if beauty could be captured well enough with words then pictures wouldn't be so special! Their reception was warm, cozy, and felt more like a big family dinner. The sound of conversation and laughter filled the entire room, and I think that anyone there would agree with me when I say that you could truly feel the overflowing joy shared by every guest.

And finally, the celebration ended with my favorite exit ever. Seriously. If you don't want to look at every photo below, just scroll to the very bottom and I guarantee you'll be smiling as soon as you see Andrew + Laura's smiles. :)